Chaplaincy at Bishop Ryan CSS - Kathleen Thompson

My name is Kathleen Thompson and I am so blessed to serve as the Chaplaincy Leader at Bishop Ryan Catholic Secondary School.
Our school community continues to grow in numbers, so much so, that we are expanding the Chaplaincy department. It is my pleasure to welcome, Mrs. Aguila, who will be with us part-time. We are so looking forward to being the team that supports you on your faith journey.
Each new school year feels like my first, filled with the excitement of what is to come - caring for your personal and spiritual needs, forming clubs, creating prayer services, bringing you on retreat and out into the community to help the marginalized.
Having studied Theology, I also enjoy being a resource to you through classroom visits and in my office where I can help you with project resources.
With 28 years of experience, I know that each student is a unique gift from God and I look forward to learn along side you through the everyday moments of life.
Bishop Ryan Chaplaincy is a safe non-judgemental environment where all are welcome.
Co-ordination and Leadership
The activities, programs and services offered through Chaplaincy department are many and varied. To ensure a school’s Pastoral Plan is realized, the Chaplaincy Leader works with and co-ordinates the efforts of students, colleagues and the clergy
Bridge Building
The school community is a rich mosaic of people with different capabilities, needs and motivation within varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The Chaplaincy Leader has the unique role of “bridge builder” within the school communities mosaic which includes a working relationship with our local parishes, home and school.
All people are called to prayer, but the Chaplaincy Leader has the leadership role in initiating prayer and in assisting other to pray through daily prayer, meetings and gatherings, modelling, and prayer resource.
The Chaplaincy Leader is responsible for preparing and co-ordinating liturgies for the school. Eucharistic liturgies are held school wide in the gymnasium while liturgies with small numbers are held in the chapel.
The Chaplaincy Leader has responsibilities with regard to the sacraments especially the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Priest from our local parishes assist us by providing the sacrament of reconciliation in small groups and through appointments.
Crisis Response
The Chaplaincy Leader is called upon as a resource of spirituality, comfort and guidance in times of crisis and grief.
Justice and Peace
In affirming the dignity of the human person, Catholic Social Teaching calls us to challenge all that prevents the sacred fulfillment of humanity. One of the mission of the Chaplaincy program is to provide opportunities that promote peace through justice. Our annual Pilgrimage: Walk with Christ, Christmas Miracle and Food Drives, Development and Peace are just some of the Justice and Peace activities that occur at Bishop Ryan CSS.
Designing and coordinating a retreat program to enhance the spiritual life of the school community is an important part of the Chaplaincy Leader’s role. Retreats are offered annually to our grade 9 students through their religion program. It is an opportunity for them to prayerfully consider the many challenges they face, at this important junction in their lives.
Chaplaincy at Bishop Ryan CSS - Ms. Robyn Aguila
My name is Ms. Robyn Aguila and I am so excited to be joining Kathleen Thompson in serving the Bishop Ryan community as the Chaplaincy Leader.
First and foremost, I am passionate about my relationship with Christ and sharing the joy of being His disciple! I am excited to bring my educational background in Biomedical Science and Theology, as well as my experiences from youth ministry, university campus ministry, parish evangelization, and homeless outreach. I am blessed to have the opportunity to share my passions and experiences within the context of Catholic education.
Along with helping to guide the prayer and liturgical life of the school community, and engaging in acts of charity and service within the wider community, my focus in Chaplaincy is simply to see the face of Christ in every single person. Through Chaplaincy initiatives, my hope is for every student to know that they are loved and are treated with respect according to the dignity of every human person.
I can be found in the Chaplaincy Office (across room 103) on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Fridays!