Pilgrimage 2024 - Walk with Christ: Justice for the Poor
A Social Justice Initiative for needs in:
Haiti, Uganda & Dominican Republic,
for the Holy Childhood Society
and the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (Emergency Relief)
FACT - We live in the rich North where we have more than enough –food, medicine clothing and housing. Much of our wealth, directly or indirectly, comes to us at the expense of the poor South –3/4 of the people in our world who live on only 20% of the world’s wealth and resources.
FACT - In the Dominican Republic, our Pilgrimage funds are directed to ADESJO (Association for the Development of San Jose de Ocoa) a non-governmental organization founded by Fr. Luis Quinn. Our funds have assisted ADESJO in their holistic development through building schools, clinics, roads, homes and irrigation systems over the past twenty years.
FACT - In Haiti, funds raised from the Pilgrimage have gone toward the construction of the St. Francis of Assisi combined church/school building in the remote village of Tifton, a mission of St. Genevieve Parish.
FACT - In Uganda, our funds support the Kankobe Children’s Home, a Christian non-government organization which was established in 1989. The home takes care of 120 vulnerable orphan children. Funds are needed to renovate facilities, provide education, food, medicine, guidance, community, care and to arrange for adoption.
FACT - Through the Pontifical Association of the Holy Childhood of Canada, which is the official charity of the HWCDSB, funds raised in 2018 were used to upgrade classroom facilities, as well as strengthen the fence, refurbish broken playground equipment, and build a school store for the children at St. Theresa Nursery School, Nabilatuk Parish, Uganda.
We try to make a difference by becoming more aware and by walking in solidarity to raise funds for development in the Global South.
Permissions & medical forms must be returned to the Chaplaincy office no later than April 21, 2024 to ensure your participation in Pilgrimage 2024