Information About Sept. 7th Power Outage

Please see a statement send to all Bishop Ryan families this evening via e-mail regarding today's power outage that impacted the school:
Good Evening Bishop Ryan Families,
Thank you for your patience today during the power outage that impacted our school.
It has been determined by the local utility company that the outage was a result of lightning striking a transformer that feeds the school on Rymal Road East. This left the school without power (which included crippling our vehicles for communication: telephone, computer and Internet) and forced us to apply emergency measures within the school to continue our day and ensure student safety. When it became apparent from the utility company that power would not be restored in a timely fashion, Board policy dictated that students should be dismissed from school.
Thank you to staff, parent/guardians and Hamilton-Wentworth Student Transportation Services (HWSTS) for so quickly mobilizing to communicate transportation instructions to students and arrange for school busing. I recognize that an impromptu early dismissal was not easy on students and families – I appreciate everyone’s flexibility and collaboration during this crisis.
Power has now been restored at Bishop Ryan and we are anticipating a return to our normal operating day and bell schedule for tomorrow, Friday, September 8. Should this change, we will update you.
We look forward to continuing our 2023-24 journey as a place “where faith, pride and effort promote excellence.
Michael Lawlor